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2023 CADIA Impact Awards

Recognizing Excellence in DEI

Members of Vitesco Technologies DEI Team
Members of the Vitesco Technologies DEI Team - 2022 Impact Award Recipients

When it comes to DEI, actions of all sizes can make a lasting impact. To recognize and celebrate excellence in and commitment to DEI, CADIA will be presenting the 2023 Impact Awards on November 8 in the following categories for individuals and organizations:

  • Leadership Commitment

An individual, team or organization that has demonstrated commitment and support to DEI in meaningful ways, modeling the behavior, values, and norms that foster an equitable and inclusive workplace.

  • Systemic Change

An individual, team or organization breaking down systemic bias and addressing organizational barriers to inclusion and equity in the workplace.

  • Champion for Diverse Talent

An individual, team or organization raising up, developing, advancing or advocating for diverse talent.

  • Creating Inclusive Cultures

An individual, team or organization who has made strides in creating an inclusive culture where individuals can show up authentically in the workplace.

Contact Jennifer Harding for more information or sponsorship opportunities.